Make the world a better place,
one box at a time
Make the world a better place, one box at a time
Rebox helps improve your company’s sustainability profile and recognizes your efforts with environmental certificates
Rebox helps improve your company’s sustainability profile and recognizes your efforts with environmental certificates
Here’s how we can help:
- We reduce and divert up to 80% of the total solid waste generated from previously recycled cardboard
- Our indirect water consumption works out to 322.5 gallons per ton, compared to the 230,000 gallons consumed in the recycling process, representing a 700 fold difference
- Our GHG emissions savings work to produce 45 times less CO2 a year, compared to the emissions produced in the recycling process
- Through our process, energy consumption is 10 less a year, compared to the energy consumed in the recycling process and in the manufacturing of new corrugate
Get a quote
Empty box contents onto your production line.
Flatten boxes and place them at the end of the production line.
Stack your used boxes on a pallet or in gaylord boxes.
Once your pallet or gaylord is full, we’ll facilitate a trailer swap so that you can continue collecting boxes and others can reuse yours.